Rid us of the scourge

Cancer has claimed a life in Canada’s political arena. And with the passing of Jack Layton, NDP leader of Canada, this dreadful disease has, once more, become the main focus throughout our nation and throughout the world.


Cancer has claimed a life in Canada’s political arena. And with the passing of Jack Layton, NDP leader of Canada, this dreadful disease has, once more, become the main focus throughout our nation and throughout the world.

And as we people will mourn the loss of this political figure, we can not help but wonder if his death could have been prevented. Many lives could be saved, if cancer causing elements were removed from our daily lives.

Scientists work diligently to find a cure for cancer and to find cancer-causing agents. They have found some in tobacco smoke, in chemically scented household cleaners and laundry products and in wood smoke. Many of these molecules are also linked to respiratory diseases, lung and heart problems.

All of these hazardous, airborne, molecules are finding their way into people’s body systems. We need to remove these carcinogens from our neighbourhoods in order to avoid being beaten by cancer.

Brie Oishi, Port Coquitlam

Aldergrove Star