Ride more safely

Debate about rules of the road - or sidewalk - continues in Qualicum Beach

Further to concerns about cyclists, I must add, also obey the rules of the sidewalk as there are so many cyclists of all ages who ride on walk ways in order to avoid the dangers of traffic.

Do equip the kiddies with a bike bell and the knowledge of when to use it. It is scary to be suddenly passed from behind by a fast bike on the sidewalk without warning, while walking on a sidewalk.

And where are the helmets?

When I find it necessary to ride on a sidewalk, as on the Island Highway occasionally, when I see an approaching pedestrian I just stop at the side and wait until they have passed. Often there is a little conversation too, a pleasant side effect of showing a little care for others this way.

Sidewalks are obviously meant for walking and that takes priority over my riding on the walkway.

There used to be one bike lane in front of city hall in Parksville, but that has faded along with the paint.

I do understand everyone’s fear about riding on the road, especially with the kiddies. Teach them how, please, to do so safely on the walks if you insist they ride there.

When I grew up we were taught to cycle on the road, in Toronto, using appropriate hand signals to indicate our changes in direction. A return to using signals for drivers of any sort of vehicle in this town would be much appreciated by drivers, cyclist and pedestrians.

As a cyclist on the road I expect to be treated like any other vehicle at intersections. Drivers often mess up my momentum on the road with their dawdling at corners waiting for me as if I were a pedestrian.

Riding a bike is one way of keeping the brain active I guess, preventing old timers’ from setting in, by trying to second guess what others on the road will be doing next. We all know what the rules are. Lets use them, plus a little courtesy to help us get to our destinations safely.

It is the dark time of year out there now so gear up and become visible, riders!

D. Carson





Parksville Qualicum Beach News