Riders of ‘unmuffled hogs’ should respect others

Dear editor,
Why would anyone be upset by a handful of unmuffled hogs making a racket in a group ride of recreation motorcycles?

Dear editor,Why would anyone be upset by a handful of unmuffled hogs making a racket in a group ride of recreation motorcycles?Part of the problem is the participants of these “rides” seem to have patterned their look and their cycles after outlaw bikers of yore.Whether you’re a young kid or a geezer like me, you may find a number on noisy choppers blowing stop signs all over the Comox Valley during these “unauthorized” functions a little intimidating.  The riders with the  “loud pipes” do tarnish the image of the whole group.How can you eliminate this problem?As an organizer, do a safety and loudness check at the beginning of the event. Anyone who fails, can take their road rocket home and make it more presentable and road legal for the next ride.If you want to disobey traffic signs, get the RCMP to escort you (not the best use of their time).If you don’t want to be thought of as anti-social bullies, hang out with people who respect everyone’s right to the enjoyment of peace and quiet. Loud engines on motorcycles, airplanes, cars, trucks, etc., belong at airports and race tracks, not on the streets of Pleasantville.We’ll love you more.Ken Oxley,Comox

Comox Valley Record