Riding with traffic best for cyclists

NANAIMO: Habits of Island cyclists leave much to be desired.

To the Editor,

On a bicycle tour of Vancouver Island, I was disturbed and saddened by some unsafe cycling I observed.

Between Duncan and Parksville, I saw at least eight cyclists riding against the traffic. Not only is this practice illegal, it is incredibly dangerous.

Cyclists do best when they ride predictably, with the traffic. The flow of traffic is much smoother if cyclists are travelling in the same direction as motorists. The chance of a serious collision is greatly reduced.

A wrong-way cyclist does not only present a danger to himself or herself, but also to any cyclists who are riding with traffic on the same road.

If two cyclists meet while travelling in opposite directions in the same lane, there is no protocol in place to determine which one must move toward the centre of the road to avoid a collision.

For those who cycle, please ride carefully and ride with the flow of traffic. It’s best for everyone.

John Arendt


Nanaimo News Bulletin