Right decision, wrong attitude

Writer critical of mayor's response to public regarding fireworks.

We attended the District of Sicamous special council meeting on Friday, June 7, which was called to revisit the issue of fireworks for Canada Day.

It would be appropriate to thank Coun. Terry Rysz for making this happen.

We were very satisfied with the outcome of this meeting but were rather perturbed at the petulance of our mayor when he did not get his way.  Perhaps he should be paying more attention to the people he serves rather than the people who serve him.

Case in point: his tirade of the cost of fireworks for the Canada Day celebrations. Yet that same amount would be spent for the B.C. Day Celebrations which he was promoting.  If the cost was too high, he would have had more credibility if he had wanted the fireworks cancelled completely.

The mayoralty is not a position one takes on to invoke one’s own agenda. It is a position that listens to the voice of the people and acts accordingly for the benefit of the community as a whole and not a select group. Treating the citizens to verbal threats of dismissal does not make for a continued relationship.

We would hope that in future endeavours, his worship will be more concerned with the people he serves and not his own wants.

Peter and Betty Powell




Eagle Valley News