Right wing diatribe


Huh? Tom Fletcher thinks Harper’s tax cuts for corporations benefit us all because most people’s retirement money is in corporate blue chip stocks.(The ‘70s political show, again, Sooke News Mirror, March 30, 2011).

Fletcher goes on to champion the HST (again) that shifts more taxes from corporations to already over-taxed consumers. Hey Tom, guess why most Canadians don’t have much of a retirement plan and won’t benefit from corporate tax cuts? Can you comprehend the down side of  state-imposed poverty?

Fletcher rambles on to attack federal NDP’s proposal to help seniors by likening the idea to Cuba and a socialist Utopia. That is so ‘70s Tom. Most of us can discuss an issue that is multi-faceted without simplistic jingoism. Not happy with comparing those who seek an end to poverty to Soviet tractor producers, Fletcher launches a typical ‘70s attack on teachers and schools. Don’t you get it? Your right wing diatribe is straight out of the polarized bad old days when social discourse was not possible without joining one of two warring  sides.

You think today’s stagnant debate was formed in our public schools. Careful Tom, you may be evidence of that.

Ted Roberts


Sooke News Mirror