Riot justice delayed is not justice denied

Justice is not served by blindly charging ahead without all the facts.

Critics have wrongly rushed to judgement as to the motives and practices of the Vancouver Police Department and BC Crown Counsel because of the time it has taken to investigate the Vancouver riot.

The fact that police are fully investigating all the crimes that were committed during the riots is not in any way endangering or denying justice. In fact, it is a full investigation that will provide for justice, as it will afford the fullest picture of an accused’s actions. Justice is not served by blindly charging ahead without all the facts. No one is served by allowing the guilty to go unpunished for acts not yet uncovered.

Some commentators have said that Crown Counsel are “soft on crime” for requiring a substantial likelihood of conviction before laying charges, and are thus part of the problem.

However, most people would agree that since convictions can only happen when the evidence shows beyond a reasonable doubt that an accused committed the crime, it makes sense for the prosecution to only charge someone when such evidence exists and is fully investigated.


Samiran P. Lakshman

President, BC Crown Counsel Association

Surrey Now Leader