Rising gas prices to set us up for $1.70/litre

In the last eight days, the cost of gas has risen 12 cents a litre.

Editor: I just can’t get over this crap with gasoline prices.  Just recently there was a fire at a refinery in Washington state.

We were advised that would not affect us as most of our gas and oil comes from the western provinces. So I look to my local gas station for gas, and find that in the last eight days, the cost of gas has risen 12 cents a litre.

Can someone explain that to me? It sounds like gouging. When the cost of oil is high, it takes only minutes to increase the cost of gasoline. When the cost of oil is low, it takes months to see a reduction.

There is no excuse for this. Now there is the threat of gasoline costing us upwards of $1.70 per litre this summer. This is just another ruse to prepare the taxpayer for another money grab.

Debbie Atkinson,


Langley Times