Road naming process has not taken public’s input seriously

Why ask people to submit names for the old Highway 97 if the district has already decided on a name.

To the editor:

The District of Lake Country never ceases to amaze me.

Why ask people to submit names for the old Highway 97 if they have already decided on a name.

Thanks to the 536 people who took time to submit a name, but it would have been nice if you were told that it would be named Parkway.

The district then takes the obvious Lake Country and Wood Lake and throws in the aboriginal name of Wood Lake and says: Now you can choose which of the three you want.

So, what happened to the public input? Let’s see the list of the 130 unique names and go from there.

Parkway just gives the wrong impression; according to Wikipedia a parkway as defined as “a divided limited-access road with grade separated interchanges. Also known as an expressway, freeway and interstate highway in North America.”

Or the Don Valley Parkway: “A controlled-access six-lane municipal expressway in Toronto connecting the Gardiner Expressway in downtown Toronto with Ontario Highway 401, sections carry an average of 100,000 vehicles a day.”

People from other areas will see this area as a highway and not an exciting tourist destination.

We need to add one more option that truly defines this process: ButterScotch Parkway.

Don Rae,

Lake Country

Kelowna Capital News