Road safety changes applauded

Residents back the City of Vernon's plans for 25th Street

We have a very unique opportunity to make a difference for all of us who live on or near 25th Street in Vernon.

The city is proposing a traffic calming strategy, which may include sidewalks, bike paths and right-hand entry on 32nd, 39th and 43rd avenues.

You are most likely aware of this suggested strategy, but what you may not know is that our time to make our voices heard is rapidly shrinking.

The city requires that at least 66 per cent of the people voting on this corridor be in favour of the suggested traffic-calming plan.

If you live on 25th Street, you are most likely aware of how many people use this corridor to walk, wheel or ride their bike to access the schools, parks, churches, daycares, senior facilities and group homes.

Personally, I love where we live and enjoy the proximity to all of the attractions and necessities in town.

However, I do not feel safe with the volume, frequency and speed of the current traffic load on 25th street.

I have nearly been hit by high–speed traffic on multiple occasions and we lost our dog to a distracted driver a few years ago.

As a person with a young family and limited mobility, I am forced to walk (wheel) on the road in order to get around the neighbourhood.

Not only am I in favour of the traffic calming solutions proposed, but also the inclusion of sidewalks and a bike corridor; which will ultimately make for a safer community and inevitably increase the value and appeal of our neighbourhood.

Please take a moment and let your voice be heard and cast your vote online at

Voting in favour of this plan will bring us one step closer to the realization of this project, but will not guarantee it.

To increase the city’s awareness of our desire to keep 25th Street as it was originally intended, a local street not a throughway, we also encourage you to date and sign this letter and drop it off at city hall.


Josh and Lacey Dueck



Vernon Morning Star