Road safety needs to improve

Nanaimo – what a great place to drive a motor vehicle or be a cyclist or a pedestrian.

To the Editor,

Nanaimo – what a great place to drive a motor vehicle or be a cyclist or a pedestrian.

As the operator of a motor vehicle, you only have to have one headlight, brake light or turn signal that works. You do not have to slow down for school zones when in effect. When the traffic light you are approaching turns yellow, you can speed up and run through the intersection on the red light if you have to.

As a cyclist you do not have to wear a safety helmet. You can ride during the dark without a headlight or taillight or reflectors. You can dress in all dark clothing so you are invisible in the darkness. You do not have to obey traffic laws as they do not apply to cycling.

As a pedestrian you can walk at night with all-black clothing. You do not have to use crosswalks where available.

And greatest of all, you can text on your telephone while driving, cycling or walking.

If any of the above applies to you, you can improve your safety and the safety of others. As a driver, check your vehicle to make sure all your lights work. Obey the speed limits. Follow the traffic laws. As a cyclist, wear a helmet. Wear reflective clothing in darkness. Equip your bicycle with lights. Obey the traffic laws. As a pedestrian, wear reflective clothing when walking in darkness. Use crosswalks.

And to all, do not text on your telephone when unsafe to do so.

Hope you all live longer.

Wayne EvansNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin