Rob Douglas a breath of fresh air in polluted political environment

He is well known for his strong environmental concerns, support for seniors issues



Rob Douglas a breath of fresh air in polluted political environment

This Oct. 24 BC Election is a good news opportunity for Cowichan Valley citizens to elect Rob Douglas, a proven community based candidate to represent our interests at the provincial legislature.

Born and raised in the Cowichan Valley, BC NDP candidate Rob Douglas is a breath of fresh air in a polluted political environment.

A family man, Rob is happily married with two lively young daughters.

He is well known for his strong environmental concerns, support for seniors issues, affordable housing and meaningful assistance for vulnerable homeless including opioid dependent citizens.

Rob has registered two election victories running for North Cowichan council consistently topping the polls. He has established trust and proven electability.

Rob’s warm personable approach to representing residents’ needs and concerns has and continues to be widely supported across party lines.

Cowichan Valley citizens will be best served by electing Rob Douglas as our government MLA to represent our interests in a John Horgan BC NDP majority government.

Richard Hughes

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen