

Rob Douglas backs up talk with action

As municipal councillor Rob has led the way on the housing crisis and environmental initiatives.

Rob Douglas backs up talk with action

The question for this election should be, who do you want as MLA, Rob Douglas the environmentally conscious NDP candidate who can influence government decisions, or do you want a Green Party MLA who can only criticize from the sidelines?

I’ve known Rob for many years and over those years Rob has been a strong advocate for people and the environment, and he’s accomplished many goals. Take for example his work a few years ago during International Year of the Co-op. Rob organized many public events at VIU which promoted the Co-op movement. Now look at the number of co-ops we have in the valley. Just one of many, the Cowichan Community Workshop Co-op is a direct result of the work Rob did to promote co-ops. Rob is a politician who backs up his talk with concrete solutions and gets the job done.

Rob’s work as municipal councillor has seen him lead the way on the housing crisis and environmental initiatives. Rob has worked with many community groups to help them find solutions to these issues.

Rob is more than environmentally conscious. He has the ability to work with all community groups to promote not only the environmental issues but also, economic, social, poverty, crime, and healthcare issues.

Don Skerik

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen