Rock on Completely Creedence

The songs were all done with the amazing likeness of the original tunes

Rock on Completely Creedence

Rock on Completely Creedence

Re: Completely Creedence show at the Cowichan Theatre.

From the opening tune to the two encore songs, the night was filled with exceptional covers of all their great hits done with incredible energy from the lead singer Jamie Robertson. The songs were all done with the amazing likeness of the original tunes and his voice was bang on. There was none of the cuteness of trying to put a bit of their own versions of the songs but straight-on honest tribute. The night was amazing and the atmosphere was fantastic. I would say that my only criticism would be that the visual slide show could have been a little more in tune and corresponding to the songs much better but a small complaint. Rock on guys and I’ll be looking forward to another visit.

Evan Begbie

Cowichan Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen