
Rogers cell tower would be detrimental to neighbourhood

Our lives are of greater importance.

Rogers cell tower would be detrimental to neighbourhood

Dear North Cowichan mayor and council:

I, as well as many of my neighbours who live in the neighbourhood adjacent to Mt. Tzouhalem reserve, are concerned and opposed to the proposed Rogers tower structure.

Research and experience tells us that telecommunication towers can contribute to significant health issues to both residents and wildlife in close proximity to these structures. I understand that the proposed location is a mere 336 feet from residents living on Kaspa Road. It is unacceptable to place our community at risk, not to mention the negative impact this will have on the value of our properties, as well as an unsightly structure in our beautiful forest reserve. Additional or faster cell phone service does not, and should not, be detrimental to the well being of people and wildlife. Our lives are of greater importance.

Should Rogers proceed with this proposed structure I’m pretty sure that many of the local residents will consider the company an inconsiderate and self serving corporate neighbour and would not use Rogers as their service provider.

If Rogers must locate a tower here, then locate it farther up the mountain concealed from sight and well away from existing and future residential properties. There are logging roads on the mountain that could be used for access.

Or better still, do not allow this proposal to proceed.

Cheryl Watson

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen