Rolling along

A small group of us has been greatly enjoying rollerskating/rollerblading at the Hassen Arena in Armstrong on the weekends. And starting in May we will be able to do so at the Wesbild Centre in Vernon on Mondays and Wednesdays.

It is really wonderful to see families coming out, bringing kids who might otherwise be sitting at home playing video games or watching TV, who are instead having lots of fun and getting healthy in the process.

The people who come out are many and varied with so many different levels of skill, it’s always interesting and enjoyable.

I watch beginners who fall down repeatedly but who are back the next time even more determined and I see their improvement each week. The joy of watching “Mr. Wheels” dance his way around the rink, grooving to the music and inspiring us to be even half that great!

I remember skating in my teens and it is every bit as much fun as it used to be. What a fabulous way for families to have an inexpensive and healthy time together.

So I would very much like to express my gratitude and thanks to the communities of Armstrong and Vernon for providing this opportunity and seeing it for the wonderful asset it is, and to encourage other communities to consider doing this as well in their ice-free arenas.

Debora Wolveson






Vernon Morning Star