Letter to the editor.

Letter to the editor.

ROSE: Big thanks to hospital team for live-saving measures

A big bouquet of roses to Dr. Brosseuk and the operating room team


A big bouquet of roses to Dr. Brosseuk and the operating room team, intensive care, emergency room, day surgery and lab teams for their life-saving measures, and all who helped out.

Many thanks.

Bob and Sandy Kopp

Williams Lake



To my friend Tim Hicks, the kindest man in the world:

He was always, always wanting to help others. He took me on an incredible journey. He brought Tanzania to me. I am so grateful to have known Tim Hicks.

Thank you so very much.

You’re forever in my thoughts.

Gary McLeod

Williams Lake



A bouquet of roses to the gentleman from fisheries and his daughter for helping me get my awkward load home.

A big thank you. You made my day!

You set a beautiful example for your daughter.

Susan Stuart

Williams Lake

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