Roses and Raspberries

A big bouquet of roses to all our friends and businesses in Williams Lake for their kind donation and support during the year of 2010.

A big bouquet of roses to all our friends and businesses in Williams Lake for their kind donation and support during the year of 2010.

Through the Winter Circle of Sharing program, dry foods were given to many families in the Cariboo, Chilcotin, and Thompson/Nicola areas.

Thank you from the board of directors and volunteers of

Abrahams Lodge and

Care Society


A big thank you to Doug and Candace Magnowski for their continued thoughtfulness for Glendale Elementary School’s Christmas hampers.

The Magnowskis are huge supporters of our school and we wish to, once again, thank them for their kindness and generosity!

Glendale Elementary

School P.A.C.


A huge, big bushel of roses to Ben Peterson of Speedy Petey’s for his generous donation of gift cards for Glendale elementary’s school Christmas hamper giveaways. These donations were a huge boost to our hampers, and the Glendale P.A.C. would like to thank Ben for supporting our families.

Thanks, Ben!

Glendale Elementary

School P.A.C.


Roses, and more roses to Just So!

We would like to compliment all the cast and crew of Just So.

We attended Friday’s performance and what a treat it was!  Enough “double entrendre” humour to have us laughing throughout.

Such talent these young people have.

We highly recommend this show to all ages. If you don’t see it, you will have missed a great show as well as missed supporting a whole cast of kids.  

Charlene Ratzinger and Debbie Westwick


A big thank you to the following kind-hearted people who so generously helped for hours with my tiny, tiny, sick miniature horse Missy Carter, five months old and weighs only eight pounds.

Missy Carter developed colic and was not feeling well.

Donovan Tremblay Kunka — walked Missy Carter. Haliegh Stubitsch — helped walk the horse. James Stubitsch — medical ambulance there to the vet. Kim Kunka — walked this horse for hours and hours. Don Kunka — medical ambulance home from the vet. Vet Cherie at the Williams Lake Vet Clinic.

Without this help of hours of walking and loving care, I may not have had her.

Missy Carter became very uncomfortable and needed to be walked for hours. Of course, it was on a Sunday and 17 below.

Everyone listed above willingly gave up their Sunday to improve the quality of life for this tiny little girl.

You are all very special people. Thank you so much.

June Kunka


Roses to Shamus McGuire for your beautiful smile. You made my day!

Love from

Lonely Grama

Williams Lake Tribune