Roses and Raspberries

Bouquets of roses to Sheila and Charlie Wyse, Lois Holmes, Gurmel Bains, USW, BCGEU, HEU, Nadine Konkin, Natasha Bujold and kids.

Bouquets of roses to Sheila and Charlie Wyse, Lois Holmes, Gurmel Bains, USW, BCGEU, HEU, Nadine Konkin, Natasha Bujold and kids for coming out in support of public education during the three-day teacher protest.

Your support, kind words and awesome cookies are gratefully appreciated.

Thank you.

Joan Erb President

Cariboo-Chilcotin Teachers’ Association


A bouquet of roses to the Women’s Contact Society for an eventful weekend, along with the presentations. I appreciated the extra effort of the caterers who offered dairy free and wheat free alternatives at the Friday dinner.

The hall (Thompson Rivers University gym) was creatively decorated for the 10th annual Women’s Day celebrations. Many businesses displayed their wares and services.

On Saturday, the Women’s Contact Society put on a number of workshops. I appreciated the informative, encouraging, and passionate talks from local women who gave of their time and talents.

Carol Thiessen


I would like to give a large bouquet of roses to the staff of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital.

On my short stay there, I was favourably impressed with everything about my visit. The busy area of day surgery where AI spent the morning was neat and spotlessly clean, no beds in the halls, yet full to the brim.

The nurses could not have been more congenial and professional,an admirable example of their occupation.

As I waited my turn with Dr. Brosseuk, the time just flew by. It was very busy, but the nurses seemed to find time to pop around the corner or come in and ask how I was making out, check something, or inquire if there was anything I needed, all accompanied with a nice smile.

Bravo! Well done.

Wilfred M. Wright

Williams Lake Tribune