Roses and Raspberries

Many thanks and a field full of wild roses to Bob Russell and son Jeremy.

Many thanks and a field full of wild roses to Bob Russell and son Jeremy.

We had been returning to Williams Lake after a beautiful day on Horsefly Lake at Suey Bay when we blew a tire on our Explorer.

Lucky for us we had blown a back tire as we were pulling our boat.

After making contact with the closest property we were grateful to meet these two fine men and were given a ride to town by Jeremy, with our blown tire.

Bob watched over our vehicle and boat overnight, until we returned the next day with a new tire.

What fine citizens, glad to help, for nothing in return. Bob and Jeremy, offering the advice, “Just pay it forward, and it will come back to you someday.”

True Cariboo men. We are lucky to have them live on Horsefly Road, glad to help anyone in distress.

Ken and Wendy Jenner

Williams Lake



A gigantic bouquet of roses to my awesome students, caring and wonderful parents of those same students, and many colleagues — both past and present.

After 23 years, I am leaving the flagship Columneetza.

My deepest gratitude to all of you who have made those 23 years such as enriching experience.

To my students, keep working hard and reaching for your dreams and have a blessed life.

To my caring, conscientious and dedicated colleagues, keep the faith and may the “force” be with you.

And above all, remember, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter won’t mind.” — Dr. Seuss.

“And until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.: — Irish blessing.

Ann Pilszeck



The Oliver Street Market would like to send a big bouquet of roses, and a basket of fresh local veggies, to the crew from Peters Bros. Construction, who were paving Oliver Street on Saturday, Aug. 20.

When they found out we were holding a Kids Market Day, they moved their job to an area of Oliver Street that didn’t disturb the activities of the market. With so many kids and families in Herb Gardner Park that day, it was greatly appreciated to not have the paving going on directly in front of us.

Thank you!

From the Oliver Street

Market vendors and all the community members

who attended that day

Williams Lake Tribune