Roses and Raspberries

Many bouquets of roses to all of the generous people of Williams Lake who helped make Christmas happen at the Williams Lake Seniors Village.

Many, many bouquets of roses to all of the generous people of Williams Lake who helped make Christmas happen at the Williams Lake Seniors Village.

The Christmas spirit flourished here because of the following: Donna Sharpe, Kathy McKcown, The Lioness and Lions Club, the Williams Lake Fire Department, the Brownies and Boy Scouts, the Army Cadets, The Springhouse Women’s Institute, Jesse Chapin, Tuba Christmas, Cariboo Men’s Choir, Stu Fraleigh, Ria Vansmmeran and all of our regular volunteers who went out of their way to make a difference in someone’s life at Christmas time at the Williams Lake Seniors Village.


Janet Catalano,

Recreation Director

Williams Lake Seniors Village



To Tanya Rankin,

A beautiful bouquet of roses for all of your hard work!

Thank you all for all of your speedy texts, e-mails, and constant phone calls back and forth throughout the process of our home purchase.

You have managed to make a normally drawn out, long process turn into a very exciting time for us all!

We really appreciate it as this process led us to our dream home.

Jamie Anderson and Shelley Davis



We would like to give Dave Whitwell a big bunch of roses.

For years now, he has faithfully kept the pond out front of his place plowed for skating and hockey, and on the side made an ice skating trail for all to enjoy.

Each New Years Day he puts on a big get together for children, neighbours, and strangers, anyone who wants to come out for family time.

He has a fire, hot dogs and hot chocolate for all.

It is very much appreciated!

Such a lovely sight to see.

Thank you, Dave.

Heather and Shuster Johnston



I would like to send a huge bouquet of Christmas roses to the following businesses and members of Williams Lake who helped me to fill 30 Christmas stockings for youth from the Boys and Girls Club, who otherwise may not have received a stocking this year: Shoppers Drug Mart, Williams Lake Honda, the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, Domino’s Pizza, Surplus Herby’s, Wiseowl Toys, McDonald’s, and Canadian Tire, and to these individuals: Karen Moberg and Ken Poirier, Terry, Brandy, and Lacey Nasuszny, Ashley and Chris Wharton, Bev and Chelsey Croswell, Clinton Engelhart, Connie Moberg, Jason Oviatt, Darlene Halfnights, and Darlene Doucette.

You all went above and beyond and I sincerely appreciate your kindness. The stockings consisted of gloves, scarves, personal hygiene items, candy, chocolate, swim passes, perfume, cologne, purses, combs, creative games, food coupons and more.

After worrying I might not be able to obtain enough items to fill 30 socks, I was deeply touched by the generosity of our comunuity, and it has renewed my faith in the Christmas spirit.

The stockings were overflowing! I hope it warms your hearts as much as it has warmed mine to know that your generous donations have touched the lives of 30 very appreciative youth.

Wishing you all the best in the 2012 year. You truly deserve it!

My sincere thanks, on behalf of the Boys and Girls Club,

Cassidy Porter




Roses to Len and his wife for their quick action on New Years Eve when they assisted me in pushing my truck through the Y intersection to the Petro Canada.

I greatly appreciate your help and your willingness to help others. Thank you.


Sid Davis

Williams Lake Tribune