Roses and Raspberries

We would love to thank the 2011 Grad Committee, ( I apologize for being so late) for doing a stellar job this year.

We would love to thank the 2011 Grad Committee, ( I apologize for being so late) for doing a stellar job this year.

We had lots of family and friends who came from out of town to enjoy the festivities, and they were amazed and in awe of what a wonderful community we live in.  I love the idea that it takes a community to raise a child, and nowhere was it more evident than at Grad 2011.

The support that people and businesses show to our grads is really quite unbelievable, and very touching.

How lucky we are to live in such a generous and kind place.  The grad committee deserves such credit, with all the long hours that they put in to make grad a wonderful and exciting, memorable day.

Thank you to each and every one of you.

Andrea MacDonald


A big bouquet of roses to Jason and staff of Chemo RV for all of the great customer service. Thanks!

Earl and Michelle Edge


A big thank you to the CDC’s Horsin’ Around program.

The young riders learn respect for “their” horse, grooming, and overall care.

My thanks also go out to the fabulous young people who volunteer their time to help and teach their young learners. If it wasn’t for them, there would be no program.

A special thank you to Gerri Savident of the Child Development Centre who is instrumental in keeping this program alive. The kids are provided with a picture of their horse (and helper) at the end of the program. The instructor/teacher, Jane Folka, is wonderful and makes it a lot of fun for our kids.

The Horsin’ Around program is outstanding and Williams Lake is lucky to have Gerri, Jane, and the great volunteers to keep it running.

We look forward to next year!

Janna Erickson

Ethan Erickson, 9

Jonas Erickson, 7


A huge bouquet of roses to the wonderful staff/maintenance crew at the Centennial Pool in Hagensborg, B.C. for a job well done!

The outdoor pool was shut down just hours before we arrived (with our towels and suits) on Aug. 5.

People came together and worked tirelessly to get this amazing facility up and running by noon on Sunday, Aug. 7.

It is a novelty to swim in an outdoor, heated pool now-a-days and my children look forward to this just as much as their visit with Auntie Chris.

Thank you to the small community of Hagensborg for providing families with an outdoor, heated, safe swimming area and repairing it just in time. You made our holiday extra special.

See you next year!

Janna Erickson

Ethan Erickson, 9

Jonas Erickson, 7


We would like to thank everyone who supported us during the loss of our sister/aunt.

Your prayers and wishes are appreciated by all of us.

Dora Gilpin and family


A huge vase of wild flowers to The Wolf radio station and Chaunigan Lake Lodge for a “most excellent” adventure in the beautiful southern Chilcotin.

I was the lucky winner of the Call of the Wolf contest.

Wayne Johnson


This letter has been written as a public way of recognizing the importance of locally-owned businesses to our community.

I am an avid photographer and almost all of my photographic equipment has been purchased at Sight & Sound where I interact with Jackie Ryll, who is a knowledgeable, friendly, helpful customer service person.

At the WL Stampede (Saturday) I experienced a serious camera malfunction just prior to a scheduled awards-photo session — great streaks of light were shooting through each digital image.

I raced up to Sight & Sound and explained my problem to Jackie; the camera was examined and it was determined to be a sensor failure, beyond repair at our level. Dejected, I left it there — and headed back to the Stampede grounds to explain my dilemma.

My older, spare camera was miles away at Alkali Lake (lesson learned).

I had not been back at the grounds for half an hour when Jackie showed up looking for me. On her own initiative (with the co-operation/authorization of store owner, Derek) she had gathered the necessary equipment to get me through the awards-picture session (Jackie actually raced home to fetch some of her personal equipment). Wow!

There is no better way to illustrate why shopping locally garners great service, as this was so far above and beyond the kind of help (service) that anyone might reasonably expect from any business.

Thank you very much. It was a very special favour and the extraordinary effort was much appreciated!

Liz Twan


The Williams Lake Stampede Association would like to send a bouquet of roses to all of the RCMP members who helped to make the 2011 Stampede so successful.

Without your presence over the weekend we know our jobs as directors would be much more difficult.

Thank you all so much. See you at the 2012 Williams Lake Stampede!

Williams Lake Stampede directors


My family and I wish to send a huge truck load of roses to the doctors, nurses, and all other staff at the Cariboo Memorial Hospital for the wonderful care I received during my recent illness.

We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated group of persons looking after our health needs.

I wish to compliment them all and thank them very much for my recovery.

Thelma Jean Yablonski

Williams Lake Tribune

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