Roses and raspberries

A special thanks to the Chilcotin Road Elementary School PAC for all of your hard work throughout the year

A special thanks to the Chilcotin Road Elementary School PAC for all of your hard work throughout the year, the special luncheon you provided to staff and the free lunch for all the students on Fun Day.

You are the best and we wish you a very relaxing summer holiday.

Margaret Nohr,

on behalf of the

Chilcotin Road

elementary staff





Thank you to the Cariboo Memorial Hospital staff who deliver good service on a daily basis and sincerely care about the public.

I personally am impressed with Chelsea, the booking clerk. She is efficient, considerate, and good natured.

Amy, in the lab, welcomed me and was quick to do her job.

Jody, in pre-surgical screening, is kind and patient. Sandra, in reception, is always prompt, friendly, and processes your paperwork quickly.

The ladies in X-ray always have a smile for the public and assist patients quickly.

Hospital employees do give their all and sincerely want to make the facility a better place, even if the system is not perfect and waiting can be part of the routine.




Williams Lake Tribune