Roses and Raspberries: December

Roses to the City of Williams Lake for clearing the snow from the downtown streets so quickly earlier this month.

Roses to the City of Williams Lake for clearing the snow from the downtown streets so quickly earlier this month.

Darlene Rogers


Big fat raspberries to the person or people that have dumped deer carcasses on Redeau Lake Road at 150 Mile House. The carcasses are being dragged around by dogs and other animals and spread around the neighbourhood. Really gross.

Rachel Drobot

150 Mile House


A handful of roses to all our friends, neighbours, church family and extended church family and co-workers for your prayer and concerns during this difficult time.

Thank you for your support of meals, phone calls, driveway plowed, daily needs and visits.

A special yellow rose to our ER doctor, Dr. Peimer. We are so grateful to have special people like you in our lives.

May God bless you as you have blessed us.

Dina and Allan Kennedy

150 Mile House


A bundle of roses to the two gentlemen and concerned others who stopped and offered to help my family get our car out of the deep snow on the road side near the Handimart last Friday.

Thanks to you we were able to get our paper route done before dark. You have to marvel at the concentration of kind people in this city. It really warms the heart for Christmas.

Jennifer Johnston


On Dec. 11, two anonymous gentlemen made my day.

I was having coffee with a friend at the Bean Counter when a young man, overhearing our conversation that it was my birthday, gave me a gift card, saying simply “Happy Birthday.” Ten minutes later, another gentleman pushed some money into my hand, saying “Buy yourself something nice for Christmas.” Wow. What a special community we live in. You two gentlemen made my special day really special. Thank you.

Heidi Redl


I would like to give thanks to the Abraham’s Lodge Care Society in Williams Lake. The volunteer staff and directors seem tireless in their continued efforts to provide donated staples and warm clothing to individuals and families in need.

I have known the caretakers of the lodge for many years, or shall I say they have known me for many years. I can only begin to appreciate the work they do and have done for the surrounding first nation communities and the homeless for many, many years. The late Sarah Spring Stump showed me the unconditional love she had for the Lord and how until the end she gave, and gave until she could give no more. Today, her husband, daughter and volunteer directors and staff continue to give and seek donations for individuals in need.

Thank you Abraham’s Lodge, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year!

Teena Sellars

Williams Lake Tribune