We would like to send a huge bouquet of roses to Brent Seterengen and Denny’s Restaurant for sponsoring our Club 55+ Bowling Leagues. Brent and his staff go out of their way to provide good food and friendly service. Their kind donation was greatly appreciated.
Thank you for supporting Club 55+ Bowling.
Sandy Beets
Williams Lake
A big bouquet of roses to Nancy Cheff, Marilee Vickers, Donna Bamberry, and all those who played a part in bringing Lily, my dog, home. A special thank you to Danielle Mader, who found Lily. and took such good care of her until she could be reunited with her family.
Linda Hitchcock
150 Mile House
A lovely rose for Danielle Mader, my forever friend, who found me and let me (bear poop and all) come home with her.
She made it possible for me to be reunited with my family, who probably missed me terribly.
Lily Hitchcock
150 Mile House
A big bunch of raspberries to the person(s) responsible for coming onto our property while we were at work on Monday, June 16. We hope that the brand new Honda Weed Wacker (used once) that you took brings you many hours of wacking, and the Honda boat motor many hours of enjoyment on the lake. (At least you left the boat). Also, I hope that you enjoy wearing my rings, especially the family ring that only has meaning to me.
And really, my makeup brushes — why not take my toothbrush too? My husband and I are very active volunteers in our community involved with the Miocene Volunteer Fire Dept., the Community Club, and organizations in town, we are very glad that we could be of assistance to you.
Sandi Pogue
Williams Lake
A bouquet of roses for Caption Mike Berns and Caption Irene Berns for their awesome dedication over the last 12 years.
Love from all the Sigsworths
Earlier this year I spent nine days in the hospital in Williams Lake recovering from a fractured pelvis.
The treatment and care was the best I have ever received and the kindness and respect of the staff and ambulance personnel could not have been better.
Thank you to everyone involved. Also, to the home care ladies who provided excellent service and to the many friends who offered support and helped speed up my recovery. Yours gratefully,
Patricia MacKay
Williams Lake