Roses and raspberries: October

There are not enough roses being grown to thank the people who helped.

There are not enough roses being grown to thank both the Mitchell family, who called for help and sat with our daughter and her friends while help arrived on the early morning of Oct. 11, 2014, and the first responders who arrived at the scene of the accident.

Our lives have changed forever; there is the loss of two wonderful friends who many share a memory of, the long hours in hospitals waiting through surgeries to know our girl is one step closer to recovery.

We are so thankful that our daughter and sister was spared that morning.

It has been a very long journey which still has the uphill battle.

We would not have made it to today without your amazing help that day and the continued support to the community of Williams Lake.

We would like to again thank the first responders in Williams Lake, the Cariboo Memorial Hospital emergency room staff for looking after our daughter/sister.

Thank you for the care you gave, Danika.

We know that because of each of you she is here with us today.

Our hearts go out to everyone of you for the patience, compassion and the ability to continually do the job you do.

Tamara, Craig and Kayla Bush


I wish to thank the first responders of Horsefly, the ambulance attendants, the doctors and nurses in emergency at Cariboo Memorial Hospital that helped my husband, Joe Petronio, on July when he fell.

I shall always be grateful to them for helping him at a time when he most needed their skill, attention and compassion.

To Dr. Tsao and staff at Cariboo Dental Clinic, sincere thanks for your comforting expression of sympathy.

It will always be remembered with deep gratitude.

With gratitude,

Rose Petronio and family


A thank you to Lana Lazaruk and her husband from 150 Mile House for finding my phone in a parking lot in Clearwater and couriering it to me in St. Albert, Alta.

Good people in your neighbourhood.

Val Whitehead

St. Albert, Alta.


A huge bouquet of roses to Shawni, Randy and Luke MacDonald for helping our son after he crashed his dirt bike this spring.

Thank you so much for tending to him, for bringing him home to us in your truck and even lending us your truck for us to take him to the hospital. Also for checking in on him the next day.

We really appreciate it.

What great neighbours to have.

Also a thank you to the doctors and nurses at the Cariboo Memorial Hospital emergency room for their quick and caring service.

Chris and Angie Fait

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune