Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (April 2, 2020)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

  • A bunch of beautiful bouquets of roses to our first responders and our grocery store employees for taking care of our community during this worldwide coronavirus. With many thanks to all of you.
  • A sincere and humble thank-you to all those who are still working during this time of unprecedented fear. Thank you for making it possible for me to still get groceries, refill medications, pay my bills, receive police/emergency services if needed, etc. You are a courageous and unsung group of individuals.
  • Beautiful roses to my friend and neighbour Jane, for watching out for us, picking up our mail and offering to pick up groceries for us while we are in isolation. I am blessed to have her in my life.
  • Rotten tomatoes to people who keep complaining non-stop about the police transition issue. It’s getting old and I’m tired of hearing about it. Right now we have bigger problems to worry about. Let’s all try to get through this Covid-19 pandemic and stay healthy as best we can.
  • Red roses to Mayor Doug McCallum for working hard to ensure safety in this COVID-19 pandemic and setting guidelines for social distancing. Keep up the great work, Mr. Mayor. Thank you for your great service and dedication.
  • Beautiful red roses to Ryan Smith of New Again Exterior Cleaning who offered to pick up food or prescriptions for people in our seniors’ complex who are unable to get around. We appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness during this difficult time.
  • At this very difficult time, bushels of roses to our medical professionals and first responders who are jeopardizing their lives to save ours. More roses to our teachers who are trying to figure out how to teach online, and to all the university profs who have quickly shifted to online instruction so that the students do not lose a semester. And let’s not forget all our grocery store workers, without whom we would be completely lost. Thank you for all that you are doing.
  • Roses to those who are following the rules of social distancing and keeping safe. I know this is a very tough time for everyone but let’s all try to stay as resilient as we can. Yes this may take a while, but as long as we keep doing our part, we will get through this. God speed.
  • Rotten tomatoes to Doug McCallum and his four disciples for continuing with the police transition during this crisis. It needs to stop immediately! It has unknown, long-term financial implications for our city. All this amidst a crisis.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the parents who don’t ensure their children understand the importance of social distancing right now. The more people ignore what our health experts are telling us what needs to be done, the longer this whole crisis is going to last.
  • Roses to those who are steady and strong in this strange time.
  • A garden of red roses to all the restaurants for providing delivery and pick up to those of us in need of a hot meal. Thank you so much for all your dedication and great service. I truly appreciate it.

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