Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (April 21, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day.

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  • Roses to my Bolivar Heights neighbours who came to city hall to make their voices heard both in support of and opposition to the rezoning proposal. I am proud to live in an area where so many people are passionate about the community. I would also wish a chamber full of roses to council who actually listened to the residents and decided unanimously in favour of the overwhelming majority. Thank you for helping long-term residents preserve the character of our neighbourhood.
  • Roses to Randy, a complete stranger, for all the help with my cat Buddy, who was diagnosed with kidney failure. He has passed but you were truly a blessing in my life. I appreciate the calls and advice. You are a special lady.
  • Roses to the Newton BIA. It is truly committed to helping our neighbourhood.
  • Roses to all Strata council members who are donating their time and energy to creating safer, well-managed complexes! May we all have patience with the learning curves and the challenges coming their way. Thank you for so diligently and generously sharing your talents.
  • Fantastic performance by the Betty Huff Theatre Company! Red roses to the cast, crew and staff who invest so much time to give their audience such an awesome night of entertainment.

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to the person crying the blues about the mayor calling gangsters South Asian instead of just gangsters. I have news for you – for once, Hepner is right about something.
  • Rotten tomatoes to conservation officers in this province for the past decade for killing bears and other animals that encroach on public property. They were here way before humans decided to build millions of homes around the Lower Mainland. You are going to make them extinct.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the elderly woman in a pink jacket seen in the North Delta Nordel area, Fuller Crescent and 111B Street. Please stay off the properties and if you want plants, buy them. Next time you’re seen, the police will be called.
  • Rotten tomatoes to jerks everywhere.
  • Rotten tomatoes to people who talk on their cell phone in traffic, or think that they can just stop anywhere on the highway and phone somebody and block traffic. I see more and more people doing this. There should be a $1,000 fine and you should lose your licence for one year for doing that.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the pesky people who walked their dogs and let the dogs poop on my lawn and did not pick it up. It is despicable.

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