Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (April 21, 2017)

A weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

Roses to the City of Surrey for changing street lights to solar… easier on the eyes too!

Fresh cut red roses to Amrik Virk, for getting involved to help our community, in successfully shutting down crackhouses in our area. We can’t thank you enough for all your help. You’ve got our vote!

Rotten tomatoes to you neighbours. Grow up! You should talk – your dog is the only one allowed to bark? You are making up stories as usual, you and your so-called friend. Our dog barks when he is excited to see us – no windows are open. Mind your own business and come and talk to us about your issue, we would be glad to talk to you.

Rotten tomatoes to Fraser Health with coming up with the bright idea of combating drug abuse with safe injection sites. Good job, Fraser Health, now people can use drugs “safely!”

A field full of beautiful roses for the kind and considerate person who found my driver’s licence on the path at Tynehead Park Serpentine Hills area on April 11th. At home, when I discovered it missing, I rushed back to the park and found my licence propped up on the park billboard area. I’m very grateful that someone took the time to put it in an area where I could easily find it.

Roses to Kal Tire Cloverdale for kindly fixing my tire leak for no charge. Great customer care is why we choose you to be our source for tires. Thank you!

Dozens of roses to the managers of the White Spot at 152nd Street and Highway 10 for their compassionate and dedicated support to employees with disabilities. You are deeply appreciated!

Roses to the gentlemen who were helping vehicles stuck going uphill on 144th and 68th area late this winter. With the freezing rain, a number of cars were having difficulty making it uphill (including a transit bus) and the gentlemen helped push my car so I can make it uphill (even with snow tires it was a challenge!) I hope you read this post and know that your efforts were greatly appreciated!

Surrey Now Leader