Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (April 22, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

• Roses to all the staff at the COVID vaccination clinics and testing stations in Surrey. Thank you for all you do.

• A million red roses to Surrey Memorial Hospital staff. On April 2, I was admitted to the hospital for seven days. The care provided by the doctors, nurses, food and cleaning staff was excellent, professional and caring. I have lived in Canada for over 59 years and I worked for 47 years and paid my dues. My recent SMH experience made me feel that every cent of taxes was truly worth it. God bless B.C. health care and long live Canada!

• A gallery full of rotten tomatoes to Arts Council of Surrey for having judges who don’t know what authentic works of art are, and pick the least-artistic submissions for various art contests. Two years in a row, an image of a snowman was chosen as the best Christmas card. Shame on you for discouraging true artists.

• Rotten, stinky tomatoes to the person who took from my front door a box left there by Canada Post on March 10. I wish that each time you use my swiveling cheese board it makes you remember that it is not yours and that you are socially undesirable scum.

• 1.88 acres and 54 stories full of rotten tomatoes to Surrey council for approving yet another concrete monstrosity to be built at KGB/107th, and allowing 22 mature trees to be clearcut from the site with no compensation to the Green City Fund. Meanwhile, we need to wait a minimum six weeks for a permit and need to pay $1,200 to remove from our property a tree that is rotting and threatening to fall on our neighbour’s driveway and vehicles.

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