Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (April 23, 2015)

We liked this rose so much it gets special treatment:

A contribution for the "Roses" section of your paper (my first letter to the paper ever!):

A beautiful pink blossom to our 15-year-old daughter who recently used transit to get downtown with her friend.

When I picked her up at the local "kiss ‘n’ ride," she got off the bus with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a big smile on her face.

I asked, "Did some Romeo give you flowers?"

Her smile got even bigger as she said, "These are for you!"

She then explained.

"What happened was, we were on the Canada Line when this older man got on and I offered him my seat. He replied, ‘Thank you, how kind – but there is no need as I am off at the very next stop.’ Then he added, ‘Now you make sure to go home and tell your mom what a fine job she did raising you.’"

My daughter took those words to heart! She showed her gratitude in radiant colours and a beautiful smile!

A red rose to the gentleman for showing his appreciation – and I know he’d be delighted to hear that her dad has played an equal role in raising this fine young lady (gentlemen recognize that in each other).

Small acts of kindness have a ripple effect. I hope this inspires all young transit riders to offer your seats to those who look older or more weary than you. You will find, the more you share, the more you have. The more you give, the more you receive.

So, red roses to everybody!



  • The world’s biggest rose to my mom Eileen, on her 83rd birthday today. Love you mom.

  • Roses to the clean-up crews who so swiftly removed the trash left on the streets after Vaisakhi day.

  • Roses to people who are engaged in their communities and show up to forums like the one Tuesday in Surrey. We need to show our elected officials and RCMP that we are fed up with crime. Enough is enough – and it was enough long ago. Our leaders better step up because this has been going on for far too long.

  • Roses to the cutest little girl who scooped our ice cream and accepted our payment at Ocean Rock on Marine Drive in White Rock. I hope you get to spend all your earnings on something fun during your next trip!


  • Heaping ignorant tomatoes to the jerks who parked their cars in front of residents’ driveways during the Vaisakhi parade. What if the residents had an emergency to attend to? Try to think of somebody else besides yourselves next time, jerks.

  • Tomatoes to the street crew fun sucks who leaned heavy on the horn, making people jump off the street as they drove their trucks along the curbs to re-open the streets late Saturday afternoon as the Vaisakhi party wrapped up. People are not cattle. It was like closing time at some bars: drink up, get out.

  • Rotten tomatoes to Surrey’s mayor, city council and RCMP. What on Earth have they been doing these days while our young gangsters and delinquents keep trying to murder each other, endangering our neighbourhoods?

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