Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (April 28, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day.


  • Many scented roses to the person or committee who selected the wonderful collection of plants and flowers planted outside the Newton Seniors’ Centre. The aroma is welcoming and calming! The garden is delightful! Well done!
  • Three roses to a gentleman named Mike. He came to cut the grass at the intersection and clean the sidewalk on 94th Avenue and 156th Street. The area is supposed to be cleaned by the city but they did not show up. It has been a few years now that this gentleman is the one who cleans it. Thanks and God bless.
  • Roses to all Surrey’s animal lovers!
  • Many thanks and a car full of roses and tulips to my daughter Cynthia who drove from Surrey to White Rock on a sunny Sunday to help me unravel the confusion of understanding a new mortgage. You are indeed the greatest.
  • Trucks full of roses to the Sports City Butchers in Cloverdale. There aren’t too many mom and pop shops left in the city. You always greet your customers with a smile and you are always there to share a laugh. Great work, Marg and Vern!

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten stupid tomatoes to two Surrey cops who created a totally unnecessary traffic hazard while dealing with a minor fender bender on 128th Street last Tuesday morning. Cop parked halfway into one lane — not on the amply empty shoulder, of course — and sat there watching his partner deal with the crash across the street, turning a two-lane road into a bottleneck that forced oncoming traffic to take turns squeezing through the space or risk taking off their driver side mirrors. Stupid.
  • A medical clinic full of rotten tomatoes to my doctor’s office. I was five minutes late for my appointment and the receptionist said that because I was late I had lost my appointment. I don’t think that was fair especially without giving me any warning. I ended up having to go to a walk-in clinic as I couldn’t wait for the next available appointment which was in a week’s time.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the disrespectful teens talking during the movie. Why do you even bother going to a movie if you’re not gonna shut up and watch? It’s rude and not fair to others who wanna hear! Please be more respectful.

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