Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (April 8, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

• Red roses to the people who haven’t felt OK lately but still get up every day and refuse to quit. You got this.

• Rotten tomatoes to dog owners who think it’s OK to leave big piles of dog excrement everywhere. It’s vile, disgusting and disrespectful to everyone who has to walk, see and try to avoid these revolting mounds of dog droppings. If you can’t pick up after your pet then don’t have one.

• Roses to Pacific Academy, especially the staff who teach the KS class, for making the past seven months a positive, warm experience for my child and the rest of the class. Thank you for your kindness and patience.

• Rotten tomatoes to Fraser Health Region for its dismal COVID-19 vaccine registration system. After getting a letter saying because I was “clinically extremely vulnerable” I could register Sunday (March 28), I have been trying every day since to call and to sign in online. Three days later, I was still unable to get through. Why invite us to immediately sign up if we cannot even get registered in a timely manner? I thought the goal was to get the shots into as many arms as quickly as possible?

• Rotten tomatoes to the teens who threw eggs at our windows on Easter Sunday. Your parents must be so proud.

• Rotten tomatoes to people who keep ignoring the public health orders and putting other people at risk.

• Roses to the couple who lifted the spirits of both myself and my granddaughter when we were dining at the White Spot in Willowbrook. We were having dinner in mid-March, two days prior to my entering the hospital for a serious operation, when I asked for the bill I was advised that a couple had already paid our bill. This random act of kindness was totally unexpected and so uplifting, we cannot thank this couple enough for their kindness to total strangers. I have shared this story with my family and friends and once the COVID restrictions are lifted I will return the deed in kind.

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