Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Aug. 12, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

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• Rotten tomatoes to our “illustrious” mayor, who continues to attack the RCMP. His is a personal vendetta because they wouldn’t follow his commands during his last incarnation as Surrey mayor. Get rid of this man.

• Rotten tomatoes to our flip-flop mayor who at a rally, before elected, spoke to stop a road in Hawthorne Rotary Park but is now all for putting a road through Bear Creek Park.

• Rotten tomatoes to people who are ‘butting out’ in the parking lots at Bear Creek Park. Besides being dangerous, it is absolutely disgusting. Don’t these people know the danger they are putting our park and our people in? I even saw one woman squeeze the butt, then put it in the grass. I made some noise and picked it up and put it in a little jar.

• Roses to the organizers behind the Surrey Police Vote. Thank you for encouraging citizens to stand up and make their voices heard. And roses to Keep the RCMP in Surrey. They are not stopping anytime soon until the mayor and council are voted out of city hall for good. Keep up the hard work and don’t give up!

• Rotten tomatoes to people on both sides who keep arguing and obsessing over this police transition fiasco. This was supposed to be about public safety but now it’s clearly all about political control. People on both sides should focus on how to improve public safety in Surrey and leave the politics out of it.

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