Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Aug. 26, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

• Rotten tomatoes to the neighbour who doesn’t like the sound of young children playing. She turns her radio so loud in her backyard to chase away neighbours and their kids. It was blaring for a full eight hours before police arrived. We are mere steps away from an elementary school and there is a pandemic, so stop being a bully and let the kids play.

• Roses to Mayor Doug McCallum, who campaigned on bringing Surrey its own police force. It’s not often a politician lives up to their campaign promises – Trudeau is a prime example. I couldn’t be more fed up than with the tiresome people attempting to deny the city what we undeniably deserve for reasons impossible to understand.

• Roses to condos/townhomes that restrict barbecues and the use of candles. This may lower the cost of monthly fees. You will be less at risk.

• Roses to all the staff at Surrey Memorial Hospital. I broke my wrist on July 17 and had a cast put on and I had surgery on July 27. On both occasions, everyone was professional, courteous, friendly, efficient and kind. Thanks again for all you do day after day.

• Rotten tomatoes to the careless people who lit up firecrackers and fireworks in the vicinity of Queen Elizabeth Secondary school on Aug. 11, despite a province-wide fire ban and restrictions.

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