Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Aug. 4, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day


  • Millions of big, red roses to my boyfriend Talha. Thank you for always being there, loving me exceptionally, supporting me and keeping me happy and smiling. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I know I’m very thankful and blessed. Lots of love – P.B.
  • Roses to those who are supportive of a safe drug site. I was against this, as I feel most will not stop taking these drugs, but I have looked at the bigger picture. By having a safe site, I feel it would free up the ambulances, fire department, police and other medical personnel to handle other emergencies.
  • Roses to people who think before they speak and actually listen rather than fraudulently grin as though they are, while all the while thinking what it is that they’re going to say next.
  • Cheerful roses to folk who give other folk the benefit of the doubt.
  • Roses to Amy & her twin boys who helped me last Thursday in the Langley Superstore. I became unwell while shopping and Amy phoned the ambulance and my daughter, and she also stayed with me for around 25 minutes until the ambulance arrived. I am very grateful for her kindness.
  • Gardens filled with red roses to people who still value reason and logic, can recognize them, and make good use of both rather than mindlessly raging while online or otherwise.

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Stinky rotten tomatoes to all you vaping smokers who send up great billowing clouds when other people are nearby. Nobody wants to inhale that buttered popcorn-cotton candy-caramel cheesecake crap coming out of your lungs and face.
  • Rotten tomatoes to those people who steal your ideas and call them their own. Get a life – and maybe a brain.
  • A medical clinic full of rotten tomatoes to my doctor’s office. I was five minutes late for my appointment and the receptionist said that because I was late, I had lost my appointment. I don’t think that was fair, especially without giving me any warning. I ended up having to go to a walk-in clinic, as I couldn’t wait for the next available appointment, which was in a week’s time.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the justice system in B.C. If you were a punk in the ‘60s when I grew up, you went to a reform school called Brandon Lake. You weren’t babied like today’s punks that are too young for adult court. And you could only go home with a pass on weekends and you were on probation for years until you were considered an adult. And if you went to court as an adult, your past criminal record was taken into account. All the punks I knew needed only one trip to reform school and that was enough to smarten them up. They were a lot smarter in the old days when crime was under control. Quit babying criminals. I would also like to say that 99 per cent of these punks had irresponsible parents.

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