Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Feb. 2, 2017)

A weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers


  • Roses to the two ladies from the Temple on 184th Street near 60th Avenue. Very late on New Year’s Eve, they saw our dog shivering under a car after she had been frightened by fireworks and had run away. Thanks to them, our Sophie got home safe and sound.​
  • Roses to HMV Canada for announcing their locations will be closed. You were a terrific store and you will be sadly missed by all the HMV fans who supported you throughout the years!
  • Two dozen “Best In Show” roses to the young gentlemen mechanics who came to my assistance when I managed to get my car good and stuck in a snow bank due to my dumb driving. These gracious and well-groomed fellows maneuvered my car out of a difficult and slippery situation using skill and dexterity. They even went back to their homes to get shovels and cardboard. My sincerest gratitude.
  • Roses to my friends Amanda and Michelle who are not only incredible supports in my life, but amazing women who bring such happiness to all around them. Never stop smiling, girls!
  • Roses to people who stay optimistic no matter what challenges lie ahead.

Email your Roses to

Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to the people who use 64th Avenue between 152nd Street and 168th. Why is it OK for you to dump all your garbage on this scenic country road? It is disgusting. Pack a bag and take it home!
  • Rotten tomatoes to the cranky and snappy woman working the till at the big box toy store. If you are seemingly so annoyed by kids, perhaps another job would be in order? Next time you are short with my kid, I am going to make an issue of it with you and your manager. You’re working at a toy store, you’re not CEO of Lockheed Martin. Stop acting so self-important.
  • Rotten tomatoes to pedestrians who don’t look before jaywalking across the street. Extra stinky ones to those who walk in the middle of the road with no regard for cars trying to drive down the roadway. We don’t drive on sidewalks, so stop blocking the road!
  • Rotten tomatoes again to the RCMP and Hepner for having the nerve to tell people that crime is down in Surrey when in my opinion, it seems to have doubled from last year. From what I see in my neighbourhood, murders and property crime are up. Anyone who believes this ‘crime is down’ spin should move to Paraguay – and take our mayor with you!

Email your Rotten Tomatoes to

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