- A dozen red roses to the man behind me in line at No-Frills in Fleetwood, I didn’t know that they only take MasterCard and when I left and came back, the cashier said you had paid for my groceries. I didn’t get a chance to thank you for your kindness.
- Roses to people who aren’t flakes, who follow through and do what they say they are going do or go where they say they are going to go!
- Roses to the two wonderful strangers at the Guildford Walmart who tried to help me find my iPhone. It’s nice to see there are still people willing to help one another. Most of all, a truck-load of roses to Steven at the Guildford Apple Store who personally came to my aid and walked around the store until we found my phone. You take customer service to the max!
- Roses to my son for doing such an amazing job on his science fair project!
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Rotten Tomatoes
- Rotten tomatoes to all of the litter bugs. It’s starting to look like a Third World country out there. Take your trash home and dispose of it properly.
- Rotten tomatoes to the people deciding not to lower the Port Mann bridge toll while the lane closures on Pattullo Bridge are in effect. Our government is not supposed to take advantage of a situation to soak us for fees.
- Rotten tomatoes to the person who dumped all their garbage on 125th Street between Old Yale and 104th Avenue, right in the middle of the road!
- Rotten tomatoes to drivers who don’t wave or give a nod when you let them in. Same goes for people who don’t say ‘thank you’ when you hold the door open for them. Guess their parents didn’t teach them a little courtesy goes a long way.
- Rotten tomatoes to the ignorant people who can’t handle their liquor at bars.
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