Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Feb. 9, 2017)

A weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

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  • Roses to my wonderful family for supporting me and encouraging me not to give up on my college studies. Hats off to you guys for every good thing you do.
  • Roses to the preschool in north Surrey for making learning so much fun for kids. Keep up the great work!
  • Roses to the gentlemen who were helping vehicles that got stuck going uphill in the area of 144th Street and 68th Avenue on Friday. Cars were having difficulty making it uphill (including a bus) and the gentlemen helped push my car so I can make it (even with snow tires it was a challenge). It was greatly appreciated!
  • Roses for my son-in-law and his father, Erik and Don. My husband recently had open heart surgery and these two wonderful men have dropped by after every snowfall to clear our driveway. We are overwhelmed by their generosity.

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to the grumpy teacher for saying that he has the dumbest Grade 7 students. I think you’re obviously the dumbest teacher they’ve ever had.
  • Like drinkable water and street lights that work, clear roads and sidewalks are a basic municipal service. Homeowners pay enough property taxes. Why is the city abandoning their sidewalk plows and dumping the job on residents? Truckloads of rotten tomatoes to the city for not clearing sidewalks.
  • Rotten tomatoes to negative people who keep bringing up the past. There is nothing more to say about that. It is what it is. Life goes on.
  • A classroom full of rotten tomatoes to Surrey school board. All the other school districts announced school closures due to snow on Sunday, giving parents some time to make child care arrangements but Surrey left it until Monday morning, leaving all those parents to scramble for last-minute child care. Shame on you!

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