Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Jan. 14, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day.


  • A big bouquet of beautiful red roses to Dr. Renu and her team at Apollo Animal Hospital in Surrey. My sweet little dog had a brain tumour and Dr. Renu did not give up on her until it was time to let her go. She was just as upset as I was. I would recommend her a million times because she loves your friends as much as you do. She is truly a wonderful person.
  • Roses and a big thank you to the wonderful “dog people” who found my keys, on Jan. 3 at the dog park on 92nd Avenue in Delta and placed them in an area where I could find them three days later. Such a small thing for someone to do but it has such a big impact.
  • A big bouquet of roses to Vic of Assini’s Greek Restaurant who cooked 40 to 50 hot lunches on Christmas Eve and to members of Northwood United Church who delivered them to homeless folks in the Whalley area.
  • Beautiful roses to the couple with two school-aged children who were behind me in the line up at Superstore and picked up the bill for my groceries. What a wonderful act of random kindness which made my day and week.

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes for the “geniuses” who designed the layout of the new parking lot at Surrey’s Cedar Hills Plaza. Not only did they take away a bunch of parking spaces, they used the old spaces to build a confusing maze of concrete curbing. The taller sidewalks are great for damaging car bumper too. Nice job.
  • A big rotten tomato for people who have a job interview but don’t show up. Someone is willing to give you a chance at a job and you don’t have the common courtesy to call if you can’t make the appointment. Before readers think, “kids these days,” these are older people applying for an experienced trade job.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the businesses in North Delta for not putting up Christmas lights on the exterior of their buildings. Take a Christmastime walk through Newton, Ladner, New Westminster – you will definitely see the difference.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the dog owner who left a big nasty surprise for shoppers in the middle of the sidewalk outside the liquor store at Hillcrest shopping centre. I am so tired of dog owners. Perhaps it’s time for heavy-handed fines for such disrespectful and disgusting behaviour.

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