Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Jan. 7, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day.

Email your Roses and Rotten Tomatoes to

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  • Roses to Fraser Heights Animal Hospital for showing compassion and sympathy when I had my Golden Retriever put to sleep due to cancer.
  • Roses to Nana for the wonderful gifts to our kids this Christmas – and for being so good at playing Heads Up!
  • Roses to Vic from Assini’s Greek Restaurant and members of Northwood United Church for delivering 40 to 50 hot meals to the homeless on Christmas Eve. Christmas spirit is alive in Surrey!
  • Bravo to all the special Newton Seniors’ Centre volunteers who create a positive, supportive atmosphere for adults 55 and older.
  • Roses to Kelsey at Langley’s Danier outlet store for giving us amazing customer service during both visits!
  • Wow! Excellent, thoughtful service is alive and well, thanks to Brad Morris of the Photo Expert Store in Delta. My jade necklace broke when departing a kiosk. Brad responded immediately and searched for a repair facility. None found but he paid for a replacement necklace. The best service ever!

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to whoever threw my lost pink glove in the trash. I hope you feel really good about yourself! Karma will get you in the end, just you wait!
  • Rotten tomatoes to most drivers (yes you) who drive without proper lights on  – daylight running lights are not proper lights. Walking on a very foggy morning, 90 per cent of vehicles (mainly white or grey) were driving without lights on. People, turn your lights on manually!
  • Poop bags to the woman jogging with her off-leash dog named Mindy in Tynehead Park on Jan. 3. Mindy came at the dog I was walking (and every other dog she passed). The woman didn’t even stop as I was calling to her to get her dog away from mine. All she did was keep calling “Mindy” as you kept on jogging. Not a bad dog… another bad owner!
  • Rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey bylaw department for its poor parking enforcement. Homeowners are angle parking. At times, if homeowners are angle parking on both sides of a street, it becomes a single-lane road. I have been told angle parking is illegal unless marked. I suppose someone will have to be hurt or killed before anything is done.

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