Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (July 14, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day

Send your Roses and Rotten Tomatoes to us by emailing

Send your Roses and Rotten Tomatoes to us by emailing


  • Roses to the City of Surrey for its Pop-up Junk Drop held Saturday at the Surrey Operations Centre. It was very well organized. Lots of helpful, pleasant, accommodating staff available to help unload. It was so slick, we went twice. Check out the City of Surrey website for future dates and locations near you.
  • Roses to Dr. Anderson for operating on my severe endometriosis at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver. Thank you very much for taking such good care of me. I thank you again!
  • Roses and a big thank you to the man who regularly walks the pathway under the hydro lines between 184th Street and 64th Avenue with his shovel.  Thank you for cleaning up all the dog poop, we appreciate it. But rotten tomatoes to those who are not cleaning up after their dogs – and there are a lot of you.
  • I’d like to give a big bouquet of colourful roses to Ryan Faust and the whole team at Back in Motion King George for helping me with my injury over this year. I am so very grateful for the help and you have all made me feel so much better when all I felt like doing was giving up. Thank you so much!
  • Roses to people who are polite while walking by – it’s always nice to say a quick hello and flash a quick smile. It makes a neighbourhood feel so much friendlier and warm.
  • Roses to the families and community groups who adopt city streets in an effort to keep Surrey cleaner.

Email your Roses to

Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to landlords for not overseeing the kind of people who end up living in their rentals – as long as they get their rent, they don’t care about the innocent people who have to put up with the crappy renters and all their illegal activities. It would be nice to see this kind of landlord being fined to the fullest, then maybe they will think twice about who they rent their places out to.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the young fellow who purchased a lottery ticket with a counterfeit $50 bill. When questioned, you insisted you just got the bill from the bank and said you would never dupe the hospital. You deprived patients at Surrey Memorial Hospital of funds, which they would have received from lottery purchases. Shame on you!
  • Rotten tomatoes to the writer complaining about people using their key fob to lock their vehicle and making a loud beep. You might want to know that locking a vehicle using the locking mechanism inside the vehicle does only that – lock the vehicle. It does not activate the alarm system. Likewise, on most vehicles, the first press on the fob only locks the doors and does not set the alarm. No horn beep, no alarm.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey. The awful noise coming out of Holland Park during the FVDED festival was dreadful. I live about eight blocks from Holland Park. I pity the people living close by who had to listen to all that noise. They call that music? What a joke. The singers were actually shouting and screaming. They must have had very sore throats when they were finished. I hope they were not paid!

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