Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (July 21, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day


  • Roses to the City of Surrey garbage/recycling/organics truck drivers who do an awesome job and also always wave to my garbage-truck obsessed toddler as he beams and waves to them.
  • Birthday roses to Sharpe for always having a huge smile on his face! Hey mooooom, can Chris and Luke come over for supper? Have a great day!
  • Roses to all the volunteers who tend to the Newton Community Garden and Healing Circle. Thank you all for all of the energy that you put into growing organic food security for those in need in the community.
  • Plenty of catnip roses to the staff at Pet Food ‘N More in Newton for always being pleasant, knowledgeable and helpful. They always greet you, they know their products and always offer to carry my purchases to my car. The wonderful service keeps customers returning!
  • Roses, roses, roses to the nice young man who helped me get down two escalators at the Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. Thank you! It was very much appreciated.
  • Happy birthday roses to the most amazing daughter. Chelsea, may your day be filled with sunshine, smiles and lots of laughter. May all your dreams come true. I love you with my entire heart. Signed, Mom.
  • Birthday roses to my Grandpa who is turning 78. Enjoy your day. Don’t count the years, count the blessings. Love you so much, Chelsea.

Email your Roses to

Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey for allowing the festival at Holland Park during the Canada Day weekend. We live in Fleetwood and could hear the super loud and disturbing bass all the way to 160th Street! We also enjoy walking through Green Timbers to hear the sounds of nature – but of course, had to endure the noise from the concert. Our hearts go out to the thousands of folks living around the area. Not cool at all.
  • Many bags of doo doo delivered to your yard for all the dog walkers that collect the poop, only to then toss the bags along the route into bushes, off the sidewalk etc. You are not invisible and the people like us who do community garbage pick up are the ones who clean that crap up!
  • Rotten tomatoes to parents who don’t discipline your children. Letting them do whatever they want, whenever they want is not going to help them in the long run. Get a clue. And while you’re at it, please teach them to be more respectful to your neighbours – nobody wants to hear them scream outside at the top of their lungs all day.
  • Rotten tomatoes to high-strung parents at youth sporting events. Relax and let your child have fun out there.
  • Rotten tomatoes to spouses who always talk poorly about one another to others – even in front of said spouse. Why not build each other and talk about each other’s good qualities? We are so negative in today’s society, even about the ones we love.
  • Tomatoes to pet owners who think the world revolves around your pet. Get a life.

Email your Rotten Tomatoes to

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