CLICK HERE to send your submissions to Roses & Rotten Tomatoes.
- A big bouquet full of roses go out to Fresh Street Fleetwood for giving me plastic bags free of charge. Thank you so much!
- Rotten tomatoes to annoying people who complain about the summer weather. Summer won’t be here for a long time, so stop whining about it!
- Roses to people who think of other people’s feelings. Many rotten tomatoes to people who think of no one’s feelings but their own.
- Rotten tomatoes to negative people who are still stuck in the past. Enough already! Living in the past gets you nowhere. Life goes on.
- Rotten tomatoes to the family in my cul-de-sac with the new dog. It is tied up all the time. You never take it for a walk, even though you have two big boys who could take it for walks.
- Rotten tomatoes to the big box store in Guildford for the headache-inducing rock music in their store on a weekday, when most customers are grey of hair and often using mobility assistance. Roses to their competitor for having turned the volume down in their store.
- Rotten tomatoes to drivers who think it’s cool to blast their music loud at night! How about showing some consideration for those who are trying to get some sleep?
- Rotten tomatoes to the stud who discarded his used condom onto my front lawn. Glad to note you were responsible enough to use protection. Perhaps you could extend that to appropriate disposal. A rose if you do in the future.
Read last week’s edition of Roses & Rotten Tomatoes here.