Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (July 22, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

• Bouquets of red roses to the nine Surrey residents representing Canada in Tokyo. We are cheering for you! Thank you, Surrey Now-Leader for posting their stories.

• Roses to councillor Steven Pettigrew. When I called to speak with him about something, I got his voicemail. He returned my call the next day. It was such a pleasure to talk with him. Such a kind, sensible and genuine human being. He definitely has my vote for next year’s election. I encourage all of you to re-elect this gentleman in next year’s election.

• Rotten tomatoes to McCallum and his four “buds” for taking credit for a twice over, three-year-old announcement by Trudeau. Who is paying for these sickening ads?

• Rotten tomatoes to every person or group that goes to a restaurant “in a rush.” If you are in a rush, a sit-down, full-service restaurant is not the place for you. It is unfair to the other diners who arrived before you, and it is unfair to the staff serving you and cooking for you. An emergency on your end does not make it one for everyone else. Fast food restaurants exist for a reason.

• Roses to Surrey Memorial Hospital ER doctors, nurses, lab and X-ray staff. More roses to the OR team and the 3 South Surgical team and RN David for the extra care you gave our room. It was noticed and appreciated. Sorry kitchen, no roses for you – the food was terrible.

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