Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (June 3, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

• Here we go again. All the leftover rotten tomatoes from before to Mayor McCallum and gang. In the ’80s we had Mayor Don Ross trying to put a soccer field in Green Timbers Park. Yeah, people of Surrey stopped that. Sadly, we couldn’t stop Mayor Linda Hepner from taking down the trees in Hawthorne Park. Now, once again, a different mayor, McCallum is wanting to take down trees in our beautiful Bear Creek Park. Surrey is a city of beautiful parks, if only we could get the bosses of the moment to leave them alone.

• Roses for the RCMP officer who ticketed a young male driver doing donuts on Saturday, May 22 at 11:14 p.m. at the cul-de-sac of 9300-block of 135th Street. For the past 23 years I have lived here, there has been racing up and down the block, donut-making at any time of day or night. Rotten tomatoes to Doug McCallum, Dianne Watts, and Linda Hepner and their administrations as they would only consider placing speed bumps if a petition was signed by most, if not all, my neighbours.

• It’s true that you can’t civilize the awful human. I complained and gave rotten tomatoes to the awful human who let its dog poop on my yard. I wrote in anger and the editor edited my post into nicer language. And certainly, the awful human didn’t understand it.

• Tomatoes to the City of Surrey for allowing all those “hotels” on our farm lands.

• Rotten tomatoes to people who keep wasting time and energy complaining about the mayor online. I am certainly not a fan of his, not in the least. I do not like him anymore than you do. But keep in mind that fighting on the internet is not going to fix things. We are stuck with this person until next year’s municipal election so let’s all try to calm down and have some patience until it’s time to vote.

• Lots of red roses to the staff at Guildford Boston Pizza. The food is tasty and the ambiance is classy. Keep up the excellent customer service!

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