Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (June 30, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day


  • Roses and congratulations to the 2016 grad class at Clayton Heights Secondary. Special bouquets to our beautiful granddaughter and her friends. You are lovely young women and we wish you every success as you continue your education.
  • Roses to all pit bull owners who are responsible for their dogs. It is not a dog’s fault for attacks on people or other animals, it is the owners.
  • Roses go out to the NBA, CFL, NHL and NFL for supporting sick children in the hospital! You’re amazing! Keep up the great work!
  • Roses to certain veterinary clinics who know how to give good service to people and their pets. Keep it up guys!
  • Red roses to education assistants who go out of their way to guide children and teens with special needs. It’s really too bad that these people don’t get enough recognition like teachers and principals do. Thank you for taking good care of all the kids.
  • Dozens of red roses to Cloverdale Optometry for making a house call to my 91-year-old father who dropped and broke his glasses. He has a difficult time getting around and the optometrist came over and fixed and adjusted the glasses for him. This was above and beyond the call of duty and is hugely appreciated. Thank you from his family!
  • Roses to people who have fun at their jobs and who pass that enthusiastic energy onto their customers. Keep up the great work!

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • A car load of rotten tomatoes to ICBC for charging my grandaughter $115 to cancel her car insurance. She was cancelling it because she could not afford to keep it on the road – then they demand immediate payment for the cancellation fee. She has never had a ticket or fine. I say it’s time to give our younger drivers a break.
  • Rotten tomatoes to “holier than thou” people who try to shove their beliefs down your throat. Whether you believe in God, Mother Nature or the devil, it is nobody’s business but your own. Live and let live.
  • Horrific bitter tomatoes to all you clowns who belong to the cult of pit bull. Your mantra, “Don’t mind Killer, he’s nice” is simply ridiculous, like you are. Why not take up horticulture instead? Oh wait, maybe don’t – you’ll probably try to cultivate a man-eating plant.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the parents at ASW Wrestling in Cloverdale on Friday night who were letting their excited kids run to the front of the ring before and after every match, pushing past the people sitting in their seats every few minutes. The audience members were very patient with your kids, and that’s great, but your kids should learn to be respectful of others, don’t you think?
  • Rotten tomatoes to Vancouver’s mayor who is responsible for the high prices of real estate and high rent in Vancouver. He is the one who sucked up to foreign buyers, inviting them to invest. Now he is telling them to pay more taxes on property not rented (and not to mention looking the other way on flipping property).

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