- Roses to the kind young boy who offered me a seat on the 502 bus. Thank you very much for thinking of me. I could really use it.
- A bus full of red roses to the person who found and turned in my son’s bus pass on or near the 341 bus from Cloverdale to Newton. My boy has a learning disability an depends on the bus to get to work and back. Your good deed saved my wife and I countless days of bureaucratic frustration.
- A floaty full of roses to parents who watch their children at pools because so many don’t. Children’s lives are in danger when unsupervised. Get off your phone and be a parent.
- Roses to the Surrey RCMP officers who came in full force to arrest “problem” neighbours in the Morgan Crossing area and took the time to talk with locals about what happened. Friendly officers are greatly appreciated, and these ones were just that.
- Roses to my daughter for her amazing performance at Panorama School of Dance recital on Sunday night. You did amazing and we couldn’t be more proud of your dancing and your confidence during your two performances!
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Rotten Tomatoes
- Rotten tomatoes to Mayor Linda Hepner for not enforcing Surrey’s illegal suites bylaw. Cheaters are prospering at our expense.
- Rotten tomatoes to the Cloverdale Rodeo for not ensuring the skateboarders wore helmets. With so many young children watching the parade, this would have been the perfect opportunity to promote helmet safety.
- Rotten tomatoes to distracted drivers, especially the adult ones. Just because you have a bit more experience on the road does not mean you can be lax.
- Rotten tomatoes to the people who use express lines at grocery stores and take a full cart or basket through while the rest of us are standing with fewer than 16 items.
- Rotten tomatoes to doctors’ offices that say if you are more than 15 minutes late you will be charged (even after one calls to say I will be late due to a traffic accident). But if my appointment is for 10 a.m. and I am not taken in until 11 a.m., that is different story.
- Rotten tomatoes to the women who were allowing their kids to climb a small tree in Kennedy Trail Park and breaking the branches. How destructive!
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