Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (May 12, 2017)

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (May 12, 2017)

A weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

  • A beautiful bouquet of roses to the City of Surrey’s engineering department for fixing the curb on 134th Street by Holland Park. Now over-zealous bylaw officers can no longer give out tickets to someone for parking by this “driveway to nowhere.” Thanks!
  • Tons of beautiful roses to the students and all the people supporting them, who are donating their time to not only helping the homeless but ridding the world of polluting plastic bags! It’s a win, win, win for everybody and should be encouraged everywhere.
  • Heaps of lovely roses as well to Ary Azez for all his efforts with Yo Bro/Yo Girls for his work and belief in early intervention to prevent drugs and gangs in the future of our children.
  • Just really felt like giving a much deserved “bravo” and an infinite amount of roses to the outstanding men and women in the firefighting field who not only risk their own lives to protect the lives and property of others, but also tirelessly donate their time and efforts year after year to fundraise for countless victims of fire-related incidents. More recently, they worked hard to collect and distribute food products and snacks for less fortunate children, just in time for spring break.
  • Bouquets of roses for all candidates who put their names forward this provincial election. Win or lose, you gave it your all and you should be thanked for your hard work and dedication in running for office. It can’t be easy, especially when you lose after all that hard work. Thank you all again!
  • Rotten tomatoes to people who didn’t take the time to vote. I am sure you will be whining and complaining about things in the next four years but really, you have nothing to say if you didn’t get off your butt to cast a ballot.

CLICK HERE to send us your submissions.

Surrey Now Leader