Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (May 13, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

• A Ford truck full of red roses and many thanks to Tony at Hallmark Ford for finding and returning my lost credit card. You saved my day!

• Rotten tomatoes for closing Barnston Island to recreational cyclists. We can distance outside before boarding the ferry, on the ferry and certainly riding on the island. We are no risk to residents.

• Roses for good folks who are genuine and tell it like it is. I can totally relate to people who are blunt, upfront and honest. Beating around the bush is very confusing and doesn’t get you nowhere. Better to tell it like it is.

• Roses to strong willed people who have the courage to stand up to bullies such as the current mayor and Safe Surrey Coalition council. Time to get rid of them come next election. These people make me feel like tossing my breakfast.

• Roses to neighbours in our complex who put care and effort into their front patios.

• Rotten tomatoes to whoever decided against putting in stop lights at the 40th Avenue and 176th Street (Hwy 15) crossing. Now you have even more traffic and congestion on 32nd Avenue and Hwy 10/Colebrook Road. People do need to get to work on time.

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